Basic Weight Loss Program | EN




Discover Melisa Gün’s shoot prep secrets: Join this unique nutrition program and start your journey to your best self today!


This Program Will Help You Effectively Lose Weight And Improve Your Health.

  • Unlike many diets, this program doesn’t subject you to nutritional deficiencies. Instead, it replenishes any lack of macro- and microelements by adjusting your diet and ensuring optimal water intake. This promotes cellular-level restoration of the body, resulting in rapid weight loss without extra effort, even if you don’t lead an active lifestyle.


  • During this course, we monitor the dynamics weekly, so we can immediately make adjustments to nutrition if we see that the results do not correspond to the norm.


  • The diet is based on the principles of food combining. The nutrition program will include only those foods that are optimal for your body, and their sequence will be planned in such a way as to promote restoration of health and safe weight loss.


  • The program provides three meals a day with easy-to-prepare dishes that will take you no more than 20 minutes a day to prepare. Products for recipes are also available and will not be difficult for you to find.

This Program Will Help You:

  • Reduce weight by 4-8 kg in 4 weeks. Feel more lightness and energy.
  • Get rid of cravings for sweets, heaviness in the stomach, bloating, flatulence, heartburn
  • Develop sustainable habits that will keep you healthy and fit for years to come.
  • Improve your self-esteem, stop getting sick often, and normalize your hormonal levels.


You’ll Get:

  • Nutrition program for 28 days
  • Recommendations for nutrition after the protocol

The program does not take into account diseases, sports, or individual intolerances.

Pathologies of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract are contraindications for completing the protocol.